Номер в каталоге: BoxSet58_08
Лейбл: Archiv Produktion – 00289 479 0449
Формат: Box Set 50CD
Страна: Europe
Дата релиза: 2012
Жанр: Классика
CD 8
Gabrieli, Rigatti, Grandi, Cavalli "Venetian Verspers 1"
1. Giovanni Gabrieli "First Vespers of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin (as it might have been celebrated in St. Mark's, Venice in 1643): Sacristy bell" 0:11
2. Giovanni Gabrieli "First Vespers of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin (as it might have been celebrated in St. Mark's, Venice in 1643), Arr. Timothy Roberts: Organ: Intonazione" 1:11
3. Giovanni Gabrieli "First Vespers of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin (as it might have been celebrated in St. Mark's, Venice in 1643), Arr. Timothy Roberts: Versicle & Response: Deus in adiutorium / Domine ad adiuvandum" 1:00
4. Giovanni Gabrieli "First Vespers of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin (as it might have been celebrated in St. Mark's, Venice in 1643), Arr. Timothy Roberts: Antiphon: Angelus Domini" 0:35
5. Giovanni Antonio Rigatti "Messa e salmi (1640): Psalm 109: "Dixit Dominus"" 13:16
6. Alessandro Grandi "Motetti a voce sola (1621): O intemerata" 4:22
7. Alessandro Grandi "Antiphon: Beata es Maria" 0:40
8. Claudio Monteverdi "Selva morale e spirituale: Laudate pueri dominum (II), SV 271" 7:09
9. Adriano Banchieri " L'organo suonarino: Organ: Suonata prima" 0:53
10. Adriano Banchieri "L'organo suonarino: Antiphon: Beatam me dicent" 0:36
11. Claudio Monteverdi "Messa, salmi concertati e parte da capella, et letanie della B. V.: Laetatus sum (I), SV 198" 6:10
12. Giacomo Finetti "Concerti ecclesiastici (1621), ed. Jerome Roche: Motet: "O Maria, quae rapis corda hominum"" 3:03
13. Giacomo Finetti "Concerti ecclesiastici (1621), ed. Jerome Roche: Antiphon: Haec est quae nescavit" 0:39
14. Giovanni Antonio Rigatti "Messa e salmi (1640): Psalm 126: "Nisi Dominus"" 8:25
15. Adriano Banchieri "L'organo suonarino: Organ: Dialogo secondo" 1:16
16. Adriano Banchieri "L'organo suonarino: Antiphon: Ante thronum" 0:31
17. Francesco Cavalli "Musiche sacre (1656): Psalm 147: "Lauda Jerusalem"" 9:09
18. Alessandro Grandi "Ghirlanda sacra, libro primo (1625): Motet: "O quam tu pulchra es"" 3:46

Транскрипция: Джованни Габриели, Джованни Антонио Ригатти, Алессандро Гранди, Клаудио Монтеверди, Адриано Банкьери, Джакомо Финетти, Франческо Кавалли

The All-Baroque Box From Monteverdi to Bach CD 08

  • Код товара: BoxSet58_08